It’s time for a digital transformation.

Relaymed is your partner in your journey toward digitalization. By automating manual tasks, you’ll reduce errors, save valuable time, free up resources, and ensure a better patient experience.

Stop the pain of paper.

Your practice today will rely on manual data entry for test results. Your staff will be printing tiny paper slips from point-of-care devices, which need to be hand-charted into the EHR. 

Automating this tedious, labor-intensive task is a no brainer, which will bring enormous benefits to your practice.

Improve efficiencies and enhance patient care.

With Relaymed, your clinical staff can now focus on patient interaction rather than tedious administrative tasks. This improves the overall patient experience and reduces wait times.

Time is now spent where it matters most – patient care – which translates to higher satisfaction and quality of service.

Free up resources and reassign.

By saving valuable time you can free up staff to work elsewhere where they can have more value and impact in your practice than simply administrative work. If you are suffering from staff shortages this is a huge help.

Eliminate the potential for human error.

Your manual processes today are not only labor-intensive but error-prone, with test results occasionally being lost or overlooked amidst the busy flow of your practice.

And no matter how careful you are, you will make a mistake when hand charting results. This could lead to dangerous errors sneaking into the chart, creating real risk to patient safety. 

Optimize and standardize your workflow.

With automation comes standardization. Every test run requires an order in the EHR to be resulted. 

This guarantees your workflow is the same every time, streamlining your clinical processes. Use technology to enhance your workflow.

Increase revenues, no missed billing opportunities.

Relaymed’s automation ensures results are accurately recorded and always linked to an order in the EHR, making them billable.

100% confidence in your billing process is a game-changer. You will know that every test is accounted for, ensuring revenue is maximized and that your financial operations are as efficient as your clinical processes.

Request a personalized demo of Relaymed

We know you’re busy. But what if just 15 minutes could save you hours?

Schedule a free 1:1 demo now to learn how Relaymed can help your practice.

In your personalised demo, we'll cover:

  • Your POC testing requirements
  • How we can streamline your workflow
  • The seamless integration with your EHR
  • Our straightforward subscription-based pricing

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