Simple and powerful, grant access with just one login.

With your EHR and different apps you may already have multiple logins and passwords to juggle. Single sign-on (SSO) simplifies this, by giving you access to everything after logging in once. 

The good news is Relaymed does not need to be another, as we support SSO. So if you have one login already, that will continue. Your users (and your IT team) will love that.

Concentrate on patients not passwords

Remembering a bunch of different passwords is a hassle for users, especially as you add more technology to your practice. With SSO there is no need to keep track of passwords, so users can work faster and more efficiently.

Lighten the load on your IT team

Managing different user accounts is a real headache for your IT team. They need to give new employees access to all the tools they need – and remove access when someone leaves. With SSO, as one centralized system, this is done in a few clicks. This makes it easy to scale up Relaymed throughout your organization.

Boost your security through simplicity

With SSO all your logins are managed in one place, which means your IT team can keep a close eye on things with ease. It also means you can add your existing Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) solution with Relaymed, giving another layer of security.

Easy with the industry’s common standard.

Our solution supports OpenID Connect (OIDC). What that means is we can seamlessly connect with any identity management system your organization uses, from the likes of Microsoft Azure or Okta. 

This makes linking Relaymed to your organization’s system a breeze. 

Request a personalized demo of Relaymed

We know you’re busy. But what if just 15 minutes could save you hours?

Schedule a free 1:1 demo now to learn how Relaymed can help your practice.

In your personalised demo, we'll cover:

  • Your POC testing requirements
  • How we can streamline your workflow
  • The seamless integration with your EHR
  • Our straightforward subscription-based pricing

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