All of point-of-care, together at last.

Relaymed is not just for device based testing. You can enter the results from your lateral flow tests and these too will be sent to your EHR. And in doing so, you will be able to view and manage all point-of-care tests in one place for the first time.

Manual Test Entry

Send to your EHR with ease.

With our manual test entry feature you can enter any lateral flow tests on our portal. It’s easy and done in the smallest possible number of clicks. Just select your test from the dropdown, and then select the result. Relaymed will match it to an order and the result will be in your EHR. 


And then beyond to your state.

If your lateral flow tests for a reportable condition, Relaymed can also automatically report this to your state. All you need to do is enter the result on the portal, and Relaymed will take care of the rest.

One report to rule them all.

Relaymed gives you the ability to view and create reports on all point-of-care testing you conduct, across both devices and lateral flow tests. This allows you to have a complete picture of your practice as everything is all together in one report.

Request a personalized demo of Relaymed

We know you’re busy. But what if just 15 minutes could save you hours?

Schedule a free 1:1 demo now to learn how Relaymed can help your practice.

In your personalised demo, we'll cover:

  • Your POC testing requirements
  • How we can streamline your workflow
  • The seamless integration with your EHR
  • Our straightforward subscription-based pricing

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