Relaymed and Point and Click EHR integration

Relaymed can supercharge your student health point-of-care testing workflow with Point and Click EHR. Our seamless integration maximizes efficiency by removing the delay and danger of manual entry by automatically putting results into the chart for you instead.


As a partner with Point and Click you can rest assured that it will work as promised and be completely secure. And don’t just take our word for it, we’re trusted by large universities to small colleges.

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Trusted by Point and Click customers.

Streamlined, automatic workflow.

Imagine your lab results now filling out effortlessly as if by magic! No typing, no clicks and no errors. And best of all – no need to wait for a device to complete the test. Simply start the test and walk away. Your overwhelmed staff will love it!

Immediate results alerts.

Results will post immediately after being transmitted by Relaymed. The result alert will go to the Provider Task Summary of the provider listed as the ordering provider when the order was placed. 

Acknowledge results like you’re used to.

From the Provider Task Summary you can review and acknowledge results received just like any other lab. Everything stays familiar – just now without any delay or errors.

Effortless Integration, Seamless Training

Relaymed’s solution does not disrupt your established workflows, it enhances them. You will now have one standardized method to create lab orders. Your staff is already familiar with creating an order to send to an external lab – creating an order for an in-house lab test to be automated with Relaymed is exactly the same.

Fast interface setup with no fees.

With an established central interface between Relaymed and Point and Click, it’s fast and easy to add your practice to it. Plus thanks to Relaymed’s unique partnership with Point and Click, there are no monthly interface fees for you to use Relaymed.

Request a personalized demo of Relaymed

We know you’re busy. But what if just 15 minutes could save you hours?

Schedule a free 1:1 demo now to learn how Relaymed can help your practice.



In your personalised demo, we'll cover:

  • Your POC testing requirements
  • How we can streamline your workflow
  • The seamless integration with your EHR
  • Our straightforward subscription-based pricing

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