Improve Workflow.
Point-of-care testing is a difficult workflow to manage effectively, as it relies on laborious and tedious manual data entry on the part of practice staff. This process requires printouts to be taken from the analyzer to an available computer, where patient records must be found for the results to be typed in. This accounts for several minutes, with multiple analytes to enter.
So, the practice is faced with the following operational challenges:
- Relying on the availability of a staff member to input test data
- That member of staff avoiding error when transcribing test data
- Using the interim time effectively. Estimates would put this at 10 minutes on average.
Until this task is completed, the provider cannot report the outcome to the patient and continue with a constructive appointment.
Relaymed is designed to avoid these unnecessary steps by bringing automation to POCT to improve the workflow of your practice. With no staff requirement (beyond running the test) there is no scope for human error, or lengthy turnaround times, as a result of manual data entry.
Automation optimizes efficiency. It allows staff and providers more time to be spent on tasks that are valuable to the practice – which can equate to several hours per day.
It’s simple: No effort. No error.
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No problem. Get a one-to-one call with a Relaymed consultant today.