Clinical Benefits
Following the launch of the Medicare Access and CHIP Authorization Act (MACRA) and the more recent Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS), the quality of healthcare that a practice provides will directly affect the payment that practice receives.
As data drives diagnoses, and leads to a higher quality of healthcare, POCT has become increasingly prevalent in primary care facilities, as 70% of clinical decisions are influenced by lab results. It also assists your facility in effective population health management, allowing you to practice predictive, rather than curative, medicine.
While practices are already making every effort to provide an improved level of healthcare, there still exists a problem posed by patient satisfaction scores. Without a more efficient system in place, primary care facilities are always going to struggle to provide the POCT service that is expected by patients. This can result in your patients going elsewhere for their healthcare.
These considerations are of paramount importance in maintaining revenue streams and the reputation of your practice. The lack of automated and error free record keeping in primary care is a huge risk in this regard.
Relaymed aids this transformation in primary care. As test results stored in Relaymed are available in the EHR immediately after a test is run, patients will have more fruitful interactions with their providers. With less time spent waiting, they can spend an appointment discussing their plan, achieving greater clinical outcomes and increasing satisfaction scores.
With Relaymed, ensure that your practice is at the forefront of this value not volume healthcare, and set up for the future. Our innovation lets healthcare professionals thrive in the face of this industry change.
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